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This is a story that I imagine would have happened 300,000 years ago. Maybe 400,000 years ago. These people are not quite homo sapiens, but a step or two behind in the line of evolution. There is a character known as the Old One. If I think enough about it, I imagine he can't be older than his forties. The main character's grandfather, Papa Gus, I imagine would be only in his twenties. I imagine a lot about these people. But these people are also animals, primates, but for the purposes of the story, have the minds of humans. It's a fantasy work in an ancient animal kingdom. There is an amount of imagination, and a suspension of disbelief required to enjoy this story, but I promise you, if you are up for it, it is an adventure that would be happy to have you.
There is a lot of original artwork alongside the story. In future editions, I hope to include even more artwork.

Mini-Hardcover edition.

Earthman by Sam Dow (Mini-Hardcover)

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